Hymenopus coronatus, Olivier, 1792
origin: Malaysia
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~7-8cm
males ~3-4cm
Food: flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x40
Habitat: Hymenopus occurs on sunny places in the tropical areas of malaysia. They prefer to stay close to flowers (imitating orchids )
Chloroharpax modesta, Gerstaecker, 1883
origin: Ghana
temperature: 24-32°C
humidity: 50-70%
Size: females ~3-4cm
males ~3-4cm
Food: flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths), roaches, firebrats
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Chloroharpax occurs in the more humid parts of Westafrica. They tend to stay close to the forest and to flowering areas
Creoboter spec. indonesia
origin: Indonesia
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~3-4cm
males ~3-4cm
Food: flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths), roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x20
Habitat: Creoboter is common in the tropical areas of bigger indonesian island (Java, Sumatra) and occurs on sunny glades
Majangella moultoni, Giglio-Tos, 1915
origin: Malaysia
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~5-6cm
males ~4-5cm
Food: Futterflies, Moths, Flies, Roaches, Firebrats
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Majangella is a species which occurs in the tropical rainforest of Malaysia. They camouflage as moss and are difficult to spot. They press themself tight to bark when they feel in danger.
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii, Stal, 1871
origin: Kenya
temperature: 24-32°C
humidity: 50-70%
Size: females ~ 4-5cm
males ~3-4cm
Food: flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Pseudocreobotra occurs in the humid areas of East Africa. They can be often found on flowering plants
Chlidonoptera lestoni, Roy & Leston, 1975
origin: Ghana
temperature: 24-32°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~ 4-5cm
males ~3-4cm
Food: flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Chlidonoptera occurs in the more humid parts of Westafrica. They tend to stay close to the forest and to flowering areas
Helvia cardinalis, Stal, 1877
origin: Malaysia
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~5cm
males ~3cm
Food: flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x40
Habitat: Helvia occurs on sunny places in the tropical areas of malaysia. They prefer to stay close to flowers (imitating orchids )
Phyllothelys werneri, Karny, 1915
origin: China
temperature: 22-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~5-6cm
males ~4-5cm
Food: flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Phyllothelys occurs in the tropical areas of China
Phyllocrania paradoxa, Burmeister, 1838
origin: Kenya
temperature: 24-32°C
humidity: 50-70%
Size: females ~5-6cm
males ~5-6cm
Food:flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Phyllocrania occurs in the subtropical and tropical areas of africas savannah. They prefer places in the brushwood and camouflage like dried leaves.
Theopropus elegans, Westwood, 1832
origin: Malaysia
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~4-5cm
males ~2-3cm
Food:flying insects ( Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Theopropus occurs on sunny places in the tropical areas of malaysia. They prefer to stay close to flowers
Oxypilus gillonae, Roy, 1966
origin: Ivory Coast
temperature: 24-32°C
humidity: 50-70%
Size: females ~1,5-2cm
males 1,5-2cm
Food: Drosophila, Firebrats, small roaches and small flying insects
Enclousure size: 10x10x15
Habitat: Oxypilus occurs in the more humid areas of africas subtropical and tropical areas. They tend to stay close to the ground in the layer of dried leaves and higher gras.
Ephestiasula rogenhoferi, Saussure, 1872
origin: India
temperature: 24-32°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~3-3,5cm
males ~2-3cm
Food: Drosophila, Firebrats, small roaches and small flying insects
Enclousure size: 15x15x20
Habitat: Ephestiasula occurs in the tropical areas of south india and stays in the brushwood and grasland
Ceratomantis saussurii, Wood-Mason, 1876
Origin: Malaysia
Temperature: 24-28°C
Humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~2-3cm
males ~2-3cm
Food: Drosophila, Firebrats, small roaches and small flying insects
Enclousure size: 15x15x20
Habitat: Ceratomantis occurs on sunny places in the tropical areas of malaysia. They prefer to stay close to flowers
Psychomantis malayensis, Beier, 1931
Origin: Malaysia
Temperature: 24-28°C
Humidity: 60-80%
Size: ?
Food: Flying insects (Flies, Bees, Butterflies, Moths) sometimes roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x40
Habitat: ?
Citharomantis falcata, Rehn, 1909
Origin: Malaysia
Temperature: 24-28°C
Humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~3-4cm
males ~2-2,5cm
Food: Drosophila, Firebrats, small roaches and small flying insects
Enclousure size: 15x15x20
Habitat: Citharomantis occurs on sunny places in the tropical areas of malaysia. They prefer to stay close to the forest and also staying on trees and in brushwood.