Acanthops fuscifolia, Olivier 1792
origin: French Guyana
temperature: 24 - 28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~4cm
males ~ 5cm
Food: flying insects (Flies, bees, moths, butterflies), also grasshoppers and roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Acanthops lives in the subsavannah and the lower part of the forest. Their camouflage is identical to dried leaves
Acanthops erosula, Stal, 1877
origin: Peru
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80°C
Size: females ~4cm
males ~ 5cm
Food: flying insects (Flies, bees, moths, butterflies), also grasshoppers and roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Acanthops lives in the subsavannah and the lower part of the forest. Their camouflage is identical to dried leaves
Acontista spec.
origin: Peru
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~2-2,5cm
males ~ 1,5-2cm
Food: flying insects (Fruit flies,Flies, small moths and butterflies),firebrats and other small feeders
Enclousure size: 15x15x20
Habitat: Acontista lives in sunny places close to the forest with higher humidity.
Callibia diana, Stoll, 1813
origin: Peru
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~3cm
males ~2-2,5cm
Food: flying insects (Fruit flies,Flies, small moths and butterflies),firebrats and other small feeders
Enclousure size: 15x15x20
Habitat: Callibia lives in sunny places close to the forest with higher humidity.
Metilia adusta, Gerstaecker 1889
origin: Peru
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-80%
Size: females ~3cm
males ~4cm
Food: flying insects (Flies, bees, moths, butterflies), also grasshoppers and roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Metilia lives in the subsavannah and the lower part of the forest. Their camouflage is identical to dried leaves
Pseudacanthops spec.
origin: Peru
temperature: 24-28°C
humidity: 60-100%
Size: females ~4-4,5cm
males ~5cm
Food: flying insects (Flies, bees, moths, butterflies), also grasshoppers and roaches
Enclousure size: 20x20x30
Habitat: Pseudacanthops live in the lower part of the peruvian rainforest and pretent to be mossy organic material. They prefer high humitidy